Using a very intuitive user interface, distributions can be defined and visualized in a few short mouse clicks. Supported distributions include log normal, normal, beta, triangular, constant and ramped.
QRISK supports both single and multiple target analysis
using Monte Carlo simulation.
Distributions can be clipped to physical minima and maxima (e.g. log normal definitions of porosity). Recoverable distributions can be clipped at either or both of P99 and P1 limits.
Export prospect reports to Excel for inclusion in well proposals or for subsequent inclusion in other reports or emails.
Find out where your prospect fits in with all others in your inventory. Filter by formation, tenement etc . Fully customizable. Export results to Excel, copy and paste graphs to other Microsoft Office compatible application via the clipboard.
QRISK’s Monte Carlo simulator is able to perform over a hundred thousand simulations per second and calculate probabilistic estimates of recoverable reserves in a fraction of the time that it takes for other comparable systems.
Generate prospect reports using pre-defined or custom layouts. Filter by formation, tenement, expected monetary value, prospect size, or risk weighted expected reserves. Output to Excel, printers or pdf files (PDF printer driver required) or Excel.
